
how to add a character sheet to roll20

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This guide will explain how to install a couple browser extensions that adda lot of extra utility to Roll20 for both players and DMs.

Install the following add-ons in this order:

  1. Tampermonkey on Chrome or Firefox - Tampermonkey allows custom scripts in your browser.
  2. Roll20 Enhancement Suite - This adds a lot of cool features to Roll20 (features that would usually cost money)
  3. 5eTools Companion Script - This allows you to import data from the wonderful 5etools site.

Using new Player features:

Here is a summary of the full feature list in the 5etools wiki. A lot of this is DM focused, but it's good to know.

At the top of the Journal tab, you will see 2 new buttons and a search field.

View Screenshot
  • First click the button that saysBind Drag-n-Drop. This will let you drag and drop things onto your character sheet.
  • I have added EVERY spell, item, class, and subclass to the East Marches Roll20 game. You will see them at the top of your Journal tab (the 2nd one, after Chat). I recommend leaving them collapsed, because it's a lot of stuff. If you are browsing for something, feel free to open these lists up to look at spells and things.
  • Instead of scrolling through those lists, just type what you want into the Quick Search by Name. The Spell (or anything else) will beGreen if it is able to be dragged. If it is not green, click thatBind Drag-n-Dropbutton again to fix that function.
  • Some things that will come up:
    • Your character found a magic item. Search it by name and drag it directly onto your character's inventory
    • You leveled up and learned new spells. Or maybe you just need to prepare your spell list. Consult your class spell list in 5etools, then search for the spell and drag it directly onto your sheet
    • Your subclass got a cool feature, and you want to add it to your sheet. Search the subclass. Dragging it onto your sheet should add all of its features.
  • For anything that is not spells, items, or classes. You can use the top button:Temp Import. This will let you search for things by category and pull up a list to drag and drop from.

New DM Features

DMs should make use of all of the features above! DMs can import more things to help them run the game. For a complete look, read the 5eTools Wiki.

  • For any tokens that have a character sheet, you will see their HP and AC in the initiative tracker
  • Right click a token, or drag a box around multiple tokens. You can do mass rolls for initiative, skill checks, and saving throws. (But let players make their own rolls).
  • The Art Library tab has a new button: Browse Repo. Find tokens quickly here.
  • There are new buttons on the left of the map for quickly switching layers.
  • Add music from a URL to the Jukebox
  • Import Monsters, and whole Adventure Modules from the Settings tab
    • Import by Category will allow you to import almost anything from 5etools into roll20. Please only import monsters as needed and do not import the entire Monster Manual. Adding hundreds of character sheets will slow down the application.

Feel free to ask any GMs/DMs if you need help with Roll20. The purpose of the add-ons is to make it easier and more feature rich for everyone and you are encouraged to use it.

Created by ratbrother 2 years ago. Last modified by Fargabarga 4 months ago

how to add a character sheet to roll20


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