How To Get To Swamp Of Sorrows
stranglethorn to swamp of sorrows
im trying to run from stranglethorn to swamp of sorrows...every time i get to darkshire though,im automatically killed by the guards (im a warlock)...ive looked it up on wowhead but it appears you MUST get through darkshire to get to swamp of sorrows..does anyone have any advice?
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level 1
I'm guessing you're horde. You could take the portal to the blasted lands from Orgrimmar and then run north. Few high level mobs around, but you should make it. You can also try to run around darkshire, take the hills. I'm pretty sure it's possible. You can also get to the swamp from the Burning Steppes I believe, there is a path in the south east in that area that leads past redridge mountains and into the north east part of the swamp. Good luck!
level 2
Op · 6y · edited 6y
thanks so much! i only started playing last week haha but got super addicted and im level 53 already (BECAUSE APPARENTLY I HAVE WAY TOO MUCH FREE TIME haha) but getting around and the map and stuff is still pretty new slash foreign to me,so any help i can get is always appreciated! thanks again
level 2
There is not a portal to blasted lands until you hit 90. The only portal you could use would get you to hellfire, but you can't use the dark portal to get back to blasted lands anymore, so it's pointless. The run is pretty much required as far as I can tell, but you can easily dodge the main chunk of darkshire by running through some mountains.
level 1
· 6y · edited 6y
you must be horde if they're KOSing you. f on this map, go through the Yorgen Farmstead and follow along the eastern mountains until you get to the east most path. Stay off the road until you reach the east most path.
An alternative is to get a portal from a mage straight to Stonard, the main horde base in Swamp of Sorrows.
level 2
I thought the mage portal took you to Dustwallow Marsh.
level 1
Theres an easy way to skirt around the edge of town to get to deadwind
How To Get To Swamp Of Sorrows
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